About me


I am Alessandro form Napoli (ITA) and I am a computer scientist. Graded at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (bachelor’s degree), and Università di Pisa (master degree), I’m specialized in 3D graphics programming, and I like to ramble through various branches of computer science (compatibly with my little free time). At present day, I am working in a society trading in entertainment and 3D productions.



The t-rex in the photo, is Roger. He is my desk mate, mascotte, and official prompter while I am working!

This website site, in blog version, is the result of an evolution from an old site http://www.alexandros.altervista.org/old_index.htm, created many years ago (about 10 y.a.!!!), now disposed. I have decided to upgrade it to share some interesting topics (personal and non), and a little bit of myself.